Articles, Book Chapters & Other Publications
Lenka Bustikova, Zdenka Mansfeldová, Martin Myant, Petra Guasti (Coordinator). 2024. Sustainable Governance Indicators 2024. Czechia Report.
Lenka Bustikova and Petra Guasti, 2024. ‘Migration and Right Wing Mobilization in the Czech Republic.’ Handbook of Migration and Nationalism, editors: Jens Rydgren and Michael Samers, Edward Elgar. 197-222. [link]
Petra Guasti and Lenka Bustikova. 2023. ‘Varieties of Illiberal Backlash,’ Problems of Post-Communism, 70:2, 130-142, DOI: 10.1080/10758216.2022.2156889
Petra Guasti and Lenka Bustikova. 2022. ‘Pandemic Power Grab,’ 38:4, East European Politics, 38:4, 529-550, DOI: 10.1080/21599165.2022.2122049
Lenka Bustikova. 2021. The Paradox of Minority Accommodation: Eastern Europe after 30 Years. Debate. European Political Science, 20:2, 261-269. doi: 10.1057/s41304-020-00266 [link]
Petra Guasti and Lenka Buštíková. 2020. A Marriage of Convenience: Responsive Populists and Responsible Experts. Politics and Governance, 8:4, 468-472. Editorial. doi: [link]
Lenka Buštíková and Pavol Baboš. 2020. Best in Covid: Populists in the Time of Pandemic. Politics and Governance, 8:4, 496-508. doi: 10.17645/pag.v8i4.3424 [link]
Adam Fagan, Petr Kopecky, Lenka Bustikova & Andrea L. P. Pirro. 2020. Anniversary Symposium, "1989 at 30 years", East European Politics, 36:3, 315-317. Editorial. [link]
Petra Guasti and Lenka Bustikova. 2020. In Europe's Closet: The Rights of Sexual Minorities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. East European Politics, 36:2, 226-246. doi: 10.1080/21599165.2019.1705282 [link]
Lenka Bustikova and Petra Guasti. 2020. Populism. In: Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Sandy Maisel. New York: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780199756223-0300 [link]
Lenka Bustikova, David Siroky, Saud Alashri, Sultan Alzahrani. 2020. Predicting Partisan Responsiveness: A Probabilistic Text Mining Time-Series Approach. Political Analysis, 28:1, 47-64. doi: 10.1017/pan.2019.18 [link] [Dataverse]
Lenka Buštíková and Petra Guasti. 2019. The State as a Firm: Understanding the Autocratic Roots of Technocratic Populism. East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures, 33:2, 302-330. doi: 10.1177/0888325418791723 [link]
* The most cited article in EEPS in past three years.Petra Guasti and Lenka Bustikova. 2018. Populismus in Ostmitteleuropa und der Verzicht auf Politik. In: Benz, A. Populismus als Herausforderung fuer Wissenschaft und Praxis. (pp. 35-38). Science Policy Paper 1. Frankfurt am Main: Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship-Programm.
Lenka Buštíková. 2018. The Radical Right in Eastern Europe, in: The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right, (ed. Jens Rydgren). New York: Oxford University Press, 565-581. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190274559.013.28 [link]
Lenka Bustikova and Petra Guasti. 2017. "The Illiberal Turn or Swerve in Central Europe?" Politics and Governance, 5:4, 166-176. doi:10.17645/pag.v5i4.1156 [link]
Lenka Bustikova and Cristina Corduneanu-Huci. 2017. "Patronage, Trust and State Capacity: The Historical Trajectories of Clientelism," World Politics, 69:2, 277-326. doi: 10.1017/S0043887116000265 [link]
* Winner of the 2017 Best Paper Prize awarded by American Political Science Association's Comparative Democratization Section.Lenka Bustikova and Elizabeth Zechmeister. 2017. "Voting in New(er) Democracies," in: The SAGE Handbook of Electoral Behaviour, (eds. Kai Arzheimer, Jocelyn Evans and Michael Lewis-Beck), 92-133. [l]
Karlo Basta and Lenka Bustikova. 2016. "Concession and Secession. Constitutional Bargaining Failure in Post-communist Czechoslovakia," Swiss Political Science Review, 22:4, 470-490. doi:10.1111/spsr.12232
Lenka Bustikova. 2016. Populism in Eastern Europe. In: Matt Golder and Sona N. Golder (eds.). "Symposium: Populism in Comparative Politics." CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association, 26:1, 15-19. [l]
Saud Alashri, Sultan Alzahrani, Lenka Bustikova, David Siroky, Hasan Davulcu. 2015. What Animates Political Debates? Analyzing Ideological Perspectives in Online Debates between Opposing Parties, Proceedings of the ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom-15), Stanford, CA. [l]
Lenka Bustikova. 2015. Voting, Identity and Security Threats in Ukraine: Who Supports the Ukrainian "Svoboda" Party? Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 48:2-3, 239-256. doi: 10.1016/j.postcomstud.2015.06.011
* Profiled in, [English] [Ukrainian] [Russian]Lenka Bustikova. 2015. "The Democratization of Hostility: Minorities and Radical Right Actors after the Fall of Communism," in: Transforming the Transformation, (ed. Michael Minkenberg), Routledge, 58-79. [l]
Lenka Bustikova. 2014. "Revenge of the Radical Right," Comparative Political Studies, 47:12, 1738-1765. doi: 10.1177/0010414013516069
/Appendix: Parties, Codings, Votes/
* Reviewed by The Wilson Quarterly. [here]
* Winner of the 2015 Best Article Prize awarded by American Political Science Association's European Politics and Society Section.Lenka Bustikova. 2014. The Far Right in Eastern Europe, in: European Forum - The Rise of the Far Right? [European Politics and Society APSA Newsletter], Winter, pp. 6-8.
Lenka Bustikova. 2013. "Welfare Chauvinism, Ethnic Heterogeneity and Conditions for the Electoral Breakthrough of Radical Right Parties: Evidence from Eastern Europe," in: Right-Wing Radicalism Today: Perspectives from Europe and the US, (eds. Sabine von Mering and Timothy Wyman McCarty), Routledge, 106-123. [l]
Lenka Bustikova and Petra Guasti. 2012. "Hate Thy Imaginary Neighbor: An Analysis of Antisemitism in Slovakia," Journal for the Study of Antisemitism, 4:2, 469-493.
* Hass auf den imaginären Nachbarn. Eine Analyse des Antisemitismus in der Slowakei. Jahrbuch für Antisemistismusforschung, 23, 2014. Jewish Museum, Berlin and Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, Technischen Universität, Berlin, [here], [German translation here]Lenka Bustikova and Herbert Kitschelt. 2011. "The Radical Right and its Nearby Competitors: Evidence from Eastern Europe," in: Europeanising Party Politics: Comparative Perspectives on Central and Eastern Europe, (eds. P.G. Lewis and R. Markowski), Manchester University Press, 143-178. [link]
Lenka Bustikova and Herbert Kitschelt. 2009. " The Radical Right in Post-Communist Europe. Comparative Perspectives on Legacies and Party Competition," Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 42:4, 459-483. doi: j.postcomstud.2009.10.007
* Reprinted in: Historical Legacies and the Radical Right in Post-Cold War Central and Eastern Europe, Minkenberg, M. (ed.), ibidem Verlag and Columbia University Press, [l]Lenka Bustikova. 2009. " The Extreme Right in Eastern Europe: EU Accession and the Quality of Governance," Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 17:2, 223-239. doi: 10.1080/14782800903108668
T.N. Clark, D. Merritt and L. Siroky. "The International Mayor," in: The City As An Entertainment Machine: Studies in Urban Innovation, ed. T.N. Clark. Oxford: Elsevier.
Lenka Buštíková. "Analýza sociálních sítí / On Social Network Analysis," Czech Journal of Sociology, (XXXV: II), pp. 193-206. in Czech [l]
Lenka Buštíková. "Známosti osobností lokální politiky / Patronage Networks of Local Politicians" WP 99:3 Sociologicky Ustav, Praha. in Czech [l]
Michael Bernhard, Petra Guasti, and Lenka Bustikova. Czech protesters are trying to defend democracy, 30 years after the Velvet Revolution. Can they succeed? July 16, 2019. Monkey Cage. The Washington Post. [link]